Careers Info for Students

Throughout your time at Magnus Academy, you will receive a variety of sessions linked to careers education and have access to careers advice and guidance at appropriate times during your time at Magnus.

Below you will find our careers programme. This is what you can expect to receive each half-term.

Magnus Careers Programme 23 – 24

You also have access to Unifrog, an award-winning careers platform. You can access Unifrog here:

Your username will be your school email address ( and you will have set your own password. There is a password reset option which will send an email through to your school email address.

If you would like to request careers advice and guidance, please speak to your tutor, your head of year, a member of the senior team or a member of the careers team, who can request this for you.

Below you will find some additional resources to support you.

Below you will find some additional resources to support you.


National Careers Service

Search for an apprenticeship

Different Qualification Levels

Post-16 options – What’s your next move?