Term Dates

Autumn 2024

Monday 2nd - Tuesday 3rd September 2024Inset Days - school closed
Wednesday 4th September 2024School reopens - all students
Monday 21st October - Friday 1st November 2024Half Term
Friday 20th December 2024End of Term

Spring 2025

Monday 6th January 2025School reopens - all students
Monday 13th January 2025Inset Day - school closed
Monday 17th - Friday 21st February 2025Half Term
Friday 4th April 2025End of Term

Summer 2025

Tuesday 22nd April 2025School reopens - all students
Monday 5th May 2025Bank Holiday
Monday 26th - Friday 30th May 2025Half Term
Friday 25th July 2025End of Term
Monday 28th & Tuesday 29th July 2025Inset Days - school closed

Absence during term time

If you wish to take your child out of school for a holiday you must apply to the school before making any arrangements. The leave of absence request form can be downloaded below and must be completed and handed in to your child’s tutor or Head of Key Stage. However, unless the absence is due to exceptional circumstances, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Parents do not have a legal right to take their child out of school unless the absence is authorised by the school.

Magnus is entitled to refuse time off school during term for the following reasons:

  • Availability of cheap holidays
  • Availability of desired accommodation
  • Poor weather experienced in the school holiday period
  • Overlap with the beginning and end of term
  • Holidays booked before checking with the school
  • Day trips