Key Stage 4

Curriculum Overview

At Key Stage 4, students continue to study a broad and balanced curriculum. Our GCSE offer includes a range of academic, vocational and technical qualifications.

Class sizes are capped at 32 students per class.

Options are structured in such a way to allow students a free choice.  This ensures equity of delivery, with all students having equal access to subjects. Students get the opportunity to study areas that really inspire them and help them to achieve excellence. The courses we offer are informed by the local labour market, and allow students to access a range of Post 16 pathways, ensuring they have a breadth of subjects to access a range of future opportunities for education and training.

The English Baccalaureate

Students who complete the full English Baccalaureate (Ebacc), complete GCSEs in the following subjects: English language, English literature, maths, the sciences, geography or history, a language (e.g. Spanish or French).  Students are well-informed about the English Baccalaureate route through the PSHE curriculum, and options process, so are able to make an informed decision.

We offer the following subjects at Key Stage 4:

  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Science (Trilogy)
  • Religious Education
  • Physical Education
  • Computer Science
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Spanish
  • Performing Arts (Dance/Drama/Music)
  • Sport
  • Child Play & Development
  • Sociology
  • Business and Enterprise
  • Art
  • Design & Technology
  • Engineering
  • Hospitality & Catering


Whilst students do have the option to consider studying computing as part of the options process, we understand the value that being digitally literate has for students. We believe that students are digitally literate so they can use technology to study, learn, express themselves and develop their ideas. They will also be prepared for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. Due to this, all students in Year 10 complete a computing module as part of their personal development curriculum.

Across the two week period, students receive 52 core curriculum lessons, six personal development lessons and two act of worships.

Curriculum hours per fortnight:

EnglishMathsScienceREPEOption AOption BOption CReading - Year 10/ Intervention - Year 11 Personal DevelopmentEnrichment
Year 10109125255514
Year 11109124255524

Alternative Provision

In addition to our mainstream curriculum, we have a bespoke alternative provision, based at ‘MAPLE’. Here students still study a variety of subjects, and there is a strong focus on preparing students for their next steps about their GCSEs. Students also receive tailored interventions.