Statutory Information

As part of the Department for Education’s guidance, there are certain things that Magnus Church of England Academy must publish on our website. The items below have been made available to comply with this or will help you to locate the information.

School Contact Details

Our contact details can be found on our Contact Us page.

Our contact details are as follows:

Magnus Church of England Academy
Earp Avenue
NG24 4AB

Telephone: 01636 680066

Our Principal is Mrs Anna Martin.

The Chairman of our Local Governing Body is: Mr Martin O’Connell. You can contact him at the following address:

Mr M O’Connell
Chair of Governors
C/O Magnus Church of England Academy
Earp Avenue
NG24 4AB

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mr Martin MacGregor. He can be contacted by calling the Academy or by email:

Magnus Church of England Academy is a Partner Academy of the Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham Multi Academy Trust (SNMAT), the SNMAT contact details can be found below –

Jubilee House
8 Westgate
NG25 0JH

Admissions Arrangements

Our Admissions Arrangements can be found under the Admissions tap under the Parent Info header in the top menu of the website, alternatively click here.

Ofsted Reports

Our most recent Ofsted report can be found on the Inspection Reports and Performance Results page on our website, alternatively click here.

A full history of our activities, reports and ratings can be found on the Ofsted website here.

Exam and Assessment Results

Our most recent Key Stage 4 and 5 results can be found on the Inspection Reports and Performance Results page on our website, alternatively click here.

Performance Tables

Our position on the School Performance Table can be found here.


Our Core Curriculum can be found under the Curriculum tab at the top of our website or here.

Remote Education

The Remote Education page was created in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic however still remains relevant to some students. It can be found in the Student section at the top of our website or here.

Behaviour for Learning Policy

The Magnus Academy Behaviour for Learning Policy can be found here on our Policies page.

Pupil Premium

Full details of our Pupil Premium funding and how we spend it can be found here.

Equality Objectives

The Equality Information and Objectives Policy can be found here, along with the staff and student Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion policies.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting

The Gender Pay Gap Reports for the Southwell and Nottingham Multi Academy Trust can be found here under the Reports heading.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

The Magnus Academy SEN Policy and Information Report can be found on our Policies page here.

Careers Programme Information

Our Careers information can be found in the Personal Development section of our website. Alternatively, it can be found here. You will also find information for students, parents and carers as well as the careers team.

The Careers Lead is Mr Jon Wynn who can be contacted via the academy’s phone number or by email:

Complaints Policy

The Complaints Policy can be found here on our Policies page. The Confidential Reporting and Whistleblowing Policy can also be found there.

Financial Information

The financial reports and accounts can be found on the SNMAT website or on our Sponsors page here.

Please note that the Financial Statements document also contains statements for the other Academies in the SNMAT.

Financial Information for Southwell and Nottingham Multi Academy Trust

Memorandum and Articles of Association

SNMAT Funding Agreement

Executive Pay

Magnus Academy is required to declare any employee with a gross annual salary and benefits of £100,000. This information is available on the SNMAT website here.

Governors Information and Duties

The list of Governors can be found on our Governors page.

Charging and Remissions Policy

The Charges and Remissions Policy can be found on the Policies page here.

Values and Ethos

The Magnus Church of England Academy’s Values and Ethos can be found embedded throughout everything we do. Our Vision and Values can be found here. More information about our Christian Distinctiveness can be found here.

Request for Copies

The Academy will comply with any requests for a paper copy of any of the content on this website. If you require a paper copy of any of the content, please contact with details of your request and any accessibility requirements.